

woman wearing white sleeveless lace shirt

Photo by nappy on

If this is your first time visiting this website, let me start off first by saying welcome! This blog is meant to provide information for those who have kinkier textured hair. If you are familiar with the hair typing system you know that 4B and 4C hair is on the tighter end of the curl type chart. All curl types are beautiful but there is an overwhelming amount of information that is dedicated to looser curl patterns. 4B but mainly 4C hair are overlooked and under represented in both media and in the natural hair community.

I wanted to create this site as a resource for those with curl types similar to mine; to find valuable information and different ways that they can care for their hair for it to grow healthy and strong. This site will showcase tips and tricks to care for your coils along with educating you on ingredients by explaining how it affects the overall health of your hair. So welcome to my site and feel free to look around as this will be your #1 resource for kinkier type hair.


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